Theses & Books
Carbines, G.D. 1993. The ecology and early life history of Notolabrus celidotus (Pisces: Labridae) around mussel farms in the Marlborough Sounds. Unpublished MSc Thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch. (Supervisors: Professor Robert Jackson, Professor David Schiel).
Carbines, G. 2003. Blue cod. Chapter 23 (pages 182-185). In: Andrew, N. and Francis, M. (eds) 2003. The living reef. The ecology of New Zealand’s rocky reefs. Craig Potton Publishing, Nelson. 283 p. (Montana Book Awards Finalist)
Carbines, G. D. 2004. Age, growth, movement and reproductive biology of blue cod (Parapercis colias - Pinguipedidae): implications for fisheries management in the South Island of New Zealand (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). University of Otago. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10523/8082. (Supervisors: Dr Malcolm Francis, Professor John Jillet, Professor Graham Young).
Reviewed Scientific Journal Papers
Beer, N.A., Wing, S.R., Carbines G. 2013. First estimates of batch fecundity for Parapercis colias, a commercially important temprate reef fish. New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research. 47(4): 587-594.
Cole, R. G., Davey, N. K., Carbines, G. D., Stewart, R. G. 2012. Heterogeneity, scale, and fish - habitat linkages on New Zealand reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 450: 131-145.
Compton, T. J., Morrison, M. M., Leathwick, J. R., Carbines, G. 2012. Ontogenetic habitat associations of a demersal fish species (Pagrus auratus) identified using boosted regression trees. Marine Ecology Progress Series.462: 219-230.
Carbines, G., Cole, R.G. 2009. Using a remote drift underwater video (DUV) to examine dredge impacts on demersal fishes and benthic habitat complexity in Foveaux Strait, Southern New Zealand. Fisheries Research 96: 230-237.
Beentjes, M.P, Carbines, G.D., Willsman, AP. 2006. Effects of beach erosion on abundance and distribution of toheroa (Paphies ventricosa) at Bluecliffs Beach, Southland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 17(2): 439-453.
Cole, R.G., Syms, C., Davey, N.K., Gust, N., Notman, P., Stewart, R., Radford, C., Carbines, G., Carr, M.H., Jeffs, A.G. 2007. Does breathing apparatus affect fish counts and observations? A comparison at three New Zealand fished and protected areas. Marine Biology 150. 1379-1395.
Morison, M., Carbines G. 2006. Estimating the abundance and size structure of an estuarine population of the sparid Pagrus auratus, using a towed camera during nocturnal periods of inactivity, and comparisons with conventional sampling techniques. Fisheries Research 82: 150-161.
Beentjes, M. P., Carbines, G. D. 2005. Population structure and relative abundance of blue cod (Parapercis colias) off Banks Peninsula and in Dusky Sound, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 39: 77-90.
Carbines, G.D. 2005. The Impact of Oyster Dredging on Blue Cod in New Zealand. American Fisheries Society Symposium 41: 591.
Cranfield, H.J., Michael, K.P., Carbines, G., Gordon, D.P., Manighetti, B., Dunn, A., Rowden, A.A. 2005. Effects of 135 Years of Oyster (Ostrea Chilensis) Fishing on the Benthic Habitat, Associated Macrofaunal Assemblages, and Sediments of Foveaux Strait, Southern New Zealand. American Fisheries Society Symposium 41: 595.
Carbines, G. 2004. Age determination, validation, and growth of blue cod, Parapercis colias, in Foveaux Strait, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research 38: 201-214.
Carbines, G.D., Jiang, W., Beentjes, M.P. 2004. The impact of oyster dredging on the growth of blue cod, Parapercis colias, in Foveaux Strait, New Zealand. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 14: 491-504.
Jiang W., Carbines G.D. 2002. Diet of blue cod, Parapercis colias, living on undisturbed biogenic reefs and on seabed modified by oyster dredging in Foveaux Strait, New Zealand. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 12: 257–272.
Cranfield HJ, Carbines G, Michael KP, Dunn A, Stotter DR, Smith DL. 2001. Promising signs of regeneration of blue cod and oyster habitat changed by dredging in Foveaux Strait, southern New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35: 897–908.
Carbines, G.D. 1999. The use of large hooks reduces catch-and-release mortality of blue cod Parapercis colias in the Marlborough Sounds of New Zealand. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19: 992–998.
Carbines, G.D., Dennis, R.M., Jackson, R.R. 1992. Increased turn alternation by woodlice (Porcellio scaber) in response to a predatory spider, Dysdera crocata. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 5(3): 138-144.
New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Reports
Carbines, G.D., Haist, V. 2018. Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod in Paterson Inlet in 2014. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report. 2018/09. 59 p
Carbines, G.D., Haist, V. 2018. Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod off north Otago in 2013. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report. 2018/08. 97 p
Carbines, G.D., Haist, V. 2018. Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod off south Otago in 2013. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report. 2018/07. 58 p
Carbines, G.D., Haist, V. 2018. Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod off north Canterbury in 2012/13. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report. 2018/06. 97 p
Carbines, G.D., Haist, V. 2017. Relative abundance, population structure, and stock status of blue cod in Foveaux Strait in 2014. Experimental evaluation of pot catchability and size selectivity. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2017/63. 61 p.
Carbines, G.D., Haist, V. 2017. Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod off Banks Peninsular in 2012. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2017/37. 126 p.
Carbines, G.D., Haist, V. 2014. Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod in Paterson Inlet of BCO 5 in 2010. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2014/14. 85 p.
Beentjes, M.P., Carbines, G.D. 2012. Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod from the 2010 survey in Marlborough Sounds, and review of historical surveys. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2012/43. 137 p.
Carbines, G.D., Beentjes, M.P. 2012 Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod in Foveaux Strait in 2010. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2012/39. 66 p.
Beer, N. A., Carbines, G.D. 2012. Exploratory microchemical analysis of blue cod otoliths from potting surveys in Dusky Sound, Fiordland 2002 and 2008. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2012/21. 32 p.
Beentjes, M.P., Carbines, G.D. 2011. Relative abundance, size and age composition, and stock status of blue cod off South Otago in 2010. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2011/42. 60 p.
Carbines, G.D., Beentjes, M.P. 2011. Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod in Dusky Sound, Fiordland, in 2008. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2011/35. 56 p.
Carbines, G.D., Beentjes, M.P. 2011. Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod off North Otago 2009. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2011/36. 57 p.
Beentjes, M.P., Carbines, G.D. 2009. Abundance, size and age composition, and mortality of blue cod off Banks Peninsula in 2008. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2009/25. 46 p.
Carbines, G.D., Beentjes, M.P. 2009. Relative abundance, size and age composition, and mortality of blue cod off North Canterbury (BCO 3) in 2007-08. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2009/37. 56 p.
Carbines, G.D., Dunn, A., Walsh, C. 2008. Age composition and derived estimates of total mortality for blue cod taken in South Island potting surveys, 2002–2005. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2008/68. 74 p.
Williams, J.R., Tuck, I.D., Carbines, G.D. 2008. Abundance of scallops (Pecten novaezelandiae) in Northland and Coromandel recreational fishing areas, 2006. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2006/34. 23 p.
Carbines, G.D. 2007. Relative abundance, size, and age structure of blue cod in Paterson Inlet (BCO 5), November 2006. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2007/37. 31 p.
Carbines, G.D., Michael, K.P. 2007. Status of the non-commercial scallop (Pecten novaezelandiae) fishery in Paterson Inlet, Stewart Island, and information needs for future management. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2007/4. 27 p.
Beentjes, M.P., Carbines, G.D. 2006. Abundance of blue cod off Banks Peninsula in 2005. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2006/1. 24 p.
Carbines, G.D., Beentjes, M.P. 2006. Relative abundance of blue cod off North Otago in 2005. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2006/29. 20 p.
Carbines, G.D., Beentjes, M.P. 2006. Relative abundance of blue cod off North Canterbury in 2004/5. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2006/30. 26 p.
Carbines, G., McKenzie, J. 2004. Movement patterns and stock mixing of blue cod in Dusky Sound in 2002. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2004/36. 28 p.
Beentjes, M.P., Gilbert, D.J., Carbines, G.D. 2003. Oreti Beach 2002 toheroa survey: yield per recruit and review of historical surveys. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2003/9. 36 p.
Beentjes, M.P., Carbines, G.D. 2003. Abundance of blue cod off Banks Peninsula in 2002. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2003/16. 25 p.
Carbines, G. D., Beentjes, M. P. 2003. Relative abundance of blue cod in Dusky Sound in 2002. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2003/37. 25 p.
Carbines, G. D., Breen, P. A. 1999. Toheroa (Paphies ventricosum) surveys at Oreti Beach and Bluecliffs Beach in 1998. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 1999/23. 19 p.
Client Reports
Kelly, S., Carbines, G., (2017). Herne Bay Wastewater Discharge: Benthic ecology. Client report for Watercare Services Ltd. 24 p. (Unpublished report held by Watercare Services Ltd).
Sim-Smith, C., Kelly, S., Carbines, G (2017). Ecological assessment of a proposed mussel farm site in the western Firth of Thames. Client report for Aquatic Environmental Sciences Report Number: 2017-11 36 p.
Carbines, G. (2017). Establishing a standardised fine mesh potting survey time series to monitor the relative abundance and length frequency of blue cod in the Pohatu Marine Reserve. Saltwater Science Research. Survey and Monitoring Report 2017/1. 34 p. (Unpublished report held by the Department of Conservation Christchurch).
Carbines, G.D. (2016). Validation of first annulus in blue cod. Saltwater Science Client Report 2016-01. 14 p.
Kelly, S., Sim-Smith, C., Carbines, G., van Kampen, P. (2016). Snells-Algies Wastewater Discharge: Benthic ecology. Client report for Watercare Services Ltd, Report Number: 2016-04. 37 p.
Morrison, M.A.; Lowe, M.L.; Grant, C.G.; Smith, P.J.; Carbines, G.; Reed, J.; Bury, S.J.; Brown, J. (2014). Seagrass meadows as biodiversity and productivity hotspots. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 137. 147 p.
Middleton, D.; Haist, V.; Carbines, G.; Starr, P.; Kendric.; Pomarede,M. 2013. Ecosystem spatial management for blue cod – final report. Prepared by Seafood Industry Council & Saltwater Science Ltd. For Seafood Innovations Ltd Project 0903. 87 p. Report Held by Seafood Innovations Ltd Wellington.
Carbines, G.; Usmar, N. 2013. Estimates of accuracy and precision of length estimates taken from a flown single camera video method with parallel scaling lasers. SINS-WG-2013-17. Final Research Report for Ministry of Primary Industries Project PAR2003/82, Objectives 1 and 7. 19p.
Carbines, G.D.; Usmar, N.R. 2012. Comparative estimates of abundance and size of blue cod derived concurrently from potting and flown video methods at fixed sites in Foveaux Strait 2009. Video derived descriptions of benthic habitat and blue cod utilisation. Saltwater Science 2012 Client Report (1) for South East Finfish Management Company & Seafood Innovations Ltd. 23 p.
Carbines, G.; Haist, V. 2012. Relative abundance, size and age structure, and mortality of blue cod in statistical area 030 of BCO 5 in 2010. Saltwater Science 2012 Client Report (3) for South East Finfish Management Company & Seafood Innovations Ltd. 44 p.
Davidson, R.J.; Carbines, G.; Richards, L.A. 2011. Ecological monitoring of a marine farm located in Kennedy Bay, eastern Coromandel. Prepared by Davidson Environmental Ltd. for Greenshell Properties Ltd. Survey and monitoring report no. 686.
Carbines, G.D. 2010. Relative abundance, size and age composition, and tagging of blue cod in the Pohatu Marine Reserve, Banks Peninsula, in 2008. Prepared for the Department of Conservation. 23 p. Report held by DoC Canterbury.
Knight, B.R., Goodwin, E.O., Jiand, W.M., Carbines, G. 2010. Development of settlement Model for Marlborough Sounds blue cod (Parapercis colias) Prepared for Ministry of Fisheries. Cawthron Report No. 1707. 34 p. plus appendices
Carbines, G.D. 2009. Changes in relative abundance and size structure of blue cod in Foveaux Strait (BCO 5) between 1998 and 2009. Stock Monitoring Services Client Report 2009. 37 p.
Carbines, G.D. 2008. Updated blue cod line fishing baseline time series data (1994 to 2006) and a comparison of line fishing and potting surveys methods. Ulva Island/Te Wharawhara Marine Reserve, Paterson Inlet (Waka a Te Wera) - Stewart Island (Rakiura). Prepared for the Department of Conservation. 39 p. Report held by DoC Invercargill.
James, G.D., Unwin, M.J., Carbines, G. 2004. Stewart Island Marine Recreational Fishing Survey 2002/2003. Final Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Project REC2001/04. 20 p.
Carbines, G.D. 2003. Survey of recreational fishing in the East Otago Taiapure. Final Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Research Project REC2000/03 Objective 1. 21 p.
Beentjes, M.P., Carbines, G.D. 2001. February and August 2001 toheroa (Paphies ventricosum) surveys at Bluecliffs Beach, Te Waewae Bay. NIWA Client Report CHC01/107. 23 P.
Carbines, G.D. 2000. Comparisons of age and growth of blue cod within the Marlborough Sounds (BCO7). NIWA Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Project BCO9801. 15 p.
Carbines, G.D. 2000. Kaikoura recreational fishing survey (1989/99). NIWA Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Project REC9808.
Carbines, G., McKenzie, J. 2000. Movement patterns and stock mixing of blue cod in Southland. Final Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Project BCO9702. 19 p.
Breen, P.A., Carbines, G., Kendric, T. 1999. Stock assessment of cockles in Papanui and Waitati Inlets, Otago Harbour and Purakaunui, Otago. Final report for the Ministry of Fisheries Project COC9801.
Carbines, G.D. 1998. Blue cod age validation, tagging feasibility and sex-inversion. NIWA Technical Report. 76 p.
Carbines, G.D. 1998. Estimation of recreational catch and effort in Paterson Inlet from a diary survey. NIWA Research Report for Ministry of Fisheries Project REC9704.
Carbines, G.D. 1998. July 1997 toheroa (Paphies ventricosum) surveys at Bluecliffs Beach, Te Waewae Bay. NIWA Client Report CHC98/24
Warren, E., Grindley, R., Carbines, G., and Teirney, L. 1997. Characterisation of the Southland blue cod fishery. (1991–1996). New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries: Policy series. No. 0–478–07441–7. 42 p.
Carbines, G.D. 1997. Survey of toheroa at Oreti Beach, June 1996. NIWA Technical Report 1. 12 p.
Carbines, G.D. 1997. March 1997 “adult” toheroa (Paphies ventricosum) surveys at Bluecliffs Beach, Te Waewae Bay. NIWA Client Report CHC97/55.
Popular Articles
Carbines, G. 2014. For the love of Cod. The Marlborough Express. July 2014.
Carbines, G. 2014. For the love of Cod. The Fishing Paper. June 2014.
Carbines, G. 2011. Blue cod biology and fishing. New Zealand Fishing News. April 2011.
Carbines, G. 2009. Blue cod biology, sticking to the facts. New Zealand Fishing News. November 2009.
Carbines, G. 2009. Fishing for blue cod. The Fishing Paper. October 2009 Issue 49.
Carbines, G. 2009. Blue cod. The Fishing Paper. August 2009 Issue 47.
Morrison, M., Shankar, U, Parsons, D., Carbines, G., Hartall, B. 2008. Snapper’s-eye view of the inner Hauraki Gulf. Water & Atmosphere 16(2): 18-21.
Morrison, M., Carbines, G. 2004. Let sleeping fish lie. Water & Atmosphere 12(2): 21.
Carbines, G. 2003.The real facts about hooked blue cod. Seafood New Zealand 11(2): 25.
Carbines, G. 2002. Tracking blue cod in Fiordland. Fisheries & Aquaculture Update 5: 3.
Carbines, G. 2002. Foveaux Strait: how do changes in habitat affect blue cod? Seafood New Zealand 10 (7): 41-42.
Carbines, G. 2002. Fish gain or drain? The latest on blue cod in the South. Seafood New Zealand 10 (4): 32-33.
Carbines, G.D. 1999. Blue cod tag winner. Seafood New Zealand 7(11): 36.
Carbines, G. 1998. How far do blue cod move? Seafood New Zealand 6: 44-47.
Carbines, G.D. 1996. Hooked on blue cod. Published In: New Zealand Fishing News, Southern Fishing and Boating, New Zealand Fisherman 9(5), February 1996.
Carbines, G.D. 1996. Blue Cod. Seafood New Zealand 4: 35-38.
Carbines, G.D. 1995. Blue Cod (Parapercis colias), tagging for age validation in the Southland region. Seafood New Zealand 3: 20-22.
Carbines, G.D. 1994. Blue Cod (Parapercis colias). Seafood New Zealand 2(10): 21-22.
Carbines, G.D. 1994. Blue cod. New regulations supersede the use of escapement gaps for blue cod pots in southland. Seafood New Zealand 2(4): 18-19.
Conference papers
Carbines, G. 2016. Validation of the first annulus in blue cod otolith. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference. Wellington.
Carbines, G. 2016. Validation of potting at estimating blue cod abundance and size structure using concurrent flown video transects. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference. Wellington.
Carbines, G.D., McKenzie, J. 2008. Movement patterns and stock mixing of blue cod Parapercis colias. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference. Christchurch.
Carbines, G.D., McKenzie, J. 2008. Movement patterns and stock mixing of blue cod Parapercis colias. Advances in Fish Tagging & Marking Technology Symposium. Auckland.
Carbines, G.D. 2006. Bluff oyster dredging in the Foveaux blue cod fishery. Using underwater video to examine dredge impacts on benthic fish and habitat. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference. Nelson.
Carbines, G.D., Morison, M. 2005. A new video method for estimating fish abundance in stitu, with minimal environmental disturbance. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference. Wellington.
Carbines, G.D. 2003. The Impact of Oyster Dredging on Blue Cod in New Zealand. 6th International Temperate Reef Symposium, Christchurch.
Carbines, G.D. 2002. The Impact of Oyster Dredging on Blue Cod in New Zealand. Symposium on the Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats: Linking Geology, Biology, Socioeconomics, and Management, Tampa (World Meeting Number 000 6297).
Carbines, G.D. 2002. Blue cod – The Movement! New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference. Hamilton.
Carbines, G.D. 1998. Blue cod fishing; is it worth changing sex over? New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference. Dunedin.
Carbines, G.D. 1996. The mortality of hooked and returned blue cod (Parapercis colias) in the Marlborough Sounds of New Zealand. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference. Hamilton.
Carbines, G.D. 1995. Tagging blue cod. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference. Wellington.
Carbines, G.D. 1992. How mussel farms facilitate the establishment of fish populations in the Marlborough Sounds. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference. Nelson.