Independent New Zealand fisheries and environmental science provider

Saltwater Science Ltd is an independent New Zealand fisheries and environmental science provider which has been delivering research, advice and representation for over a decade. Saltwater Science Ltd has contracted to the Ministry of Fisheries/Ministry for Primary Industries (Fisheries New Zealand), the Department of Conservation, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric research (NIWA), the Cawthron Institute, the BCO 5 Management Group, Seafood Innovations Ltd, Coast and Catchment Ltd, DLA Philips Fox, and the New Zealand Sports Fishing Council.
Dr Glen Carbines (BSc, Grad Dip, MSc(Hons1), PhD) is the Director of Saltwater Science Ltd and has over 25 years of experience in New Zealand fisheries research, working for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, NIWA, Stock Monitoring Services Ltd, and as an independently research provider. Glen is both Tainui and Ngāti Awa Iwi and he has a real passion for the welfare of our marine environment. He is a SCUBA Dive Master and Master SCUBA Diver, and a professional vessel skipper (ILM).
Glen completed his Master of Science degree (with first class honours) in fish ecology at the University of Canterbury, and his doctoral degree (PhD) in fisheries biology and management at the University of Otago. He has worked on a wide range of inshore fisheries and related issues throughout New Zealand and he has extensive experience in providing shellfish and fin fish assessments and fisheries advice (see Publication List). Please email Glen@SaltwaterScience.co.nz for further information about how Saltwater Science Ltd could help you.